Be sure when you are going to tour apartment homes that you come prepared with all the right questions you want to ask your leasing specialist about your potential new home! You want to find the best place for you, and these questions will make you feel more confident going on your apartment search. Print the list we have made below the next time you go on an apartment hunt!
• When can I move into the apartment?
• Does someone currently live in the apartment?
• When does the apartment become available?
• Are all utilities included in the monthly rental rate?
• What am I responsible to pay for own my own?
• What are the companies that I will need to contact for activation?
• Is there any maintenance I will be responsible for on my own?
• Are laundry facilities on the complex or in my apartment?
• Are there any recreational facilities and is there an extra charge for them to use?
• How and where do we dispose of trash?
• Are pets allowed?
• Is there a weight limit?
• Are there breed restrictions?
• What are the pet deposit and any other fees?
• Did the previous tenant have a pet? (If allergies)
• Do you have any carports or garages available? (if applicable)
• Is there guest parking? If so, where?
• Do we have assigned parking spots?
• Do you have security?
• What are the quiet hours and overnight guest rules?
• How do I receive deliveries and mail?
Deposit and Lease
• What is the monthly rent?
• How much is the deposit?
• When is rent due?
• When is rent considered late and what are the fees?
• What is your roommate policy?
• Is there an onsite office?
• Is there an emergency number?
• How fast is maintenance responded to?